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About of Mohammad Mutalib

Mohammad Mutalib 

Hi! I am Mohammad Mutalib. I am 20 years old. I live in Sylhet. But my hometown is Sunamganj as well as homeland. Now I am a student of North East University Bangladesh the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). 
Mohammad Mutalib  
I studied from Shah Khurrom Degree College on Science group. Basically on my free time I love to read a lot of book. It's one kind of favourite hobby. I also love to write sometimes on my leisure time. Right now I live alone  in a mess for my academic purpose.

I have parents. My father is a farmer. Now he is old. His age is more than 50 years old. On the other hnad, my mother is an Ideal Successful housewife. She is 45 years old. She cooked very well. It's look likes to eat very interesting. I have also two brothers and two sisters. In family all are member is very good. My parents is the best person the whole world. They loved me a lot. I also love them. 

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Facebook Account:Mohammad Mutalib   


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