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Can I learn CSE?

Before Study CSE you have know this. 

Today I am going to Share with you about learning of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE). Actually I don't properly about this matter. Still I am trying to write something about this. I just admitted CSE Department at North East University Bangladesh.

Let's learn from basic question.... What does mean of CSE? CSE refers to Computer Science and Engineering.

Is CSE popular Subject? There is a two answer about this question. Firstly, most of people said that at this era it is very important subject. Because it's completely related of Information Technology (IT). The second answer is that, basically most of undevelopment country CSE subject isn't got popularity. That is why most of people said it is not a popular subject. But all of people agree to it is very important subject.

CSE for who's people?
Actually anyone can learn this subject. But to learn CSE there is some condition. For example if you have lot of Idea to do something. Then CSE subject is the best for you. If you can't sleep well for your lot of Idea this subject for you. If you are interested to learn many of ICT related article this subject for you.
Just guess that to start this question I was said any person can learn this subject. Is it right or wrong?? Yes anyone can learn. But if anyone hasn't above all all quality after complete( B.Sc Engg) they will still defeated. Because, they have just Degree. They won't be able to work practically.

Thanks for reading. I will write more about this. 


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