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The Importance of Studying Chemistry

The Importance of Studying Chemistry
Suppose, you wake up early in the morning. Get up from sleep, put a little paste in the brush for toothbrushing. Then you take your seat for reading book. Reading time your mother gave you tea and biscuit for eating. You are eating it. Then you are going to bathed your body. When you entry the room you see, the room is too much untidy and dirty. So you take a toilet cleaner for clean this room. Your bathing time you used perfume soap and shampoo. After complete it you impasted lotion to your body. Then after finished your breakfast you went to school. In school the teacher with chalk wrote something in backboard. Noticed that, which things right now you used such as paste,brush,biscuit, toilet cleaner, soap,lotion and shampoo etc all of things contributed of Chemistry.

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